Friday, June 6, 2008


For those of you who have ever eaten street food in Mexico City know that the hamburgers therer are wonderful. Last night I had one that compared. These hamburgers come with, meat, cheese, ham, mayo, ketchup, lettuce, tomatoe, mayo, salt and all made fresh. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, an over easy egg is also added to it.. Peep the pictures.

Para ustedes que han comido comida de la calle en Mexico, saben de las hamburguesas ricas que hay. Ayer en la noched comi uno que comparò con los de mexico. Esta tenia la carne, queso, jamon, ketchup, mostaza, lechuga, jitomate, mayo, sal, y tambien huevo duro. Riquisima fue! Vea las fotos.


Anonymous said...

Well, if the hamburger diet works you can make a fortune with it back here in the USA. It's too bad I missed you- I'm visiting Karla right now, but I know that you'll do great in Paraguay.

Anonymous said...

Mark - Good luck down there, tell them all about the great basketball wonder that you are friends with in the states. - Bryce

Unknown said...

Mark, looking at the pictures of the hamburgers makes my stomach churn in reminiscence of street food's entrance to and many exits from my past Peace Corps body. Either I am not hard core anymore, or your culinary customs and digestive functions have adapted considerably. I am willing to settle for arroz con pollo.

Anonymous said...

I love Py street food! Some of the best and worst food I've ever eaten. Beware of the chipa so'o around carapegua, rumor has it that its horse meat.... Hope you're having a good time, I love reading your stories and watching the videos.