Hello everyone! I hope this correspondence finds you doing well. My last posting was a cry for help. I first want to thank everyone who contacted me with advice, a comforting word or a job posting. I also want to give thanks to our Lord and heavenly father for helping find employment, especially given our economic situation here in the States. I have been offered and have accepted a federal position with the Department of Labor in Springfield, Missouri. I will be working as a Wage and Hour investigator. In a nutshell and investigator seeks to make sure businesses are in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Acts.
The Labor Department was seeking an investigator who spoke Spanish to work with the Latino community. When I saw the posting for the position I thought to myself "Hey, I could do that!" For those of you who have known me for many years, I'm sure can remember all the long summer hours at our neighborhood McDonalds' restaurant here on Rockwell next to P.C. North. At the time I was there, I didn't think that working at McDonald's would do too much for me. I realize now that our Lord must have been working behind the scenes. I realize now that working there has played a critical role in my decision to major in Spanish, to serve in the Peace Corps, my choice of a fiancé, and now employment with the Labor Department.
Again, thanks to all of you for your help and prayers. God bless and please keep in touch. Thanks again.